Monday, June 11, 2007


I'm not going to pull any punches. I'm 6'4", 190 lbs., and I pretty much look like shit. The dimensions probably don't sound that bad, but I'm on a thin frame. I mean, my face is nothing to scoff at (or so I've been told), but I have serious baggage. I'm carrying around saddlebags and a mini-gut on chicken legs. There is quite literally no definition anywhere to be seen. I'm growing a little patch of hair on my chest that kind of makes me look like a crackhead (not entirely sure how that connection was made in my head, but stay tuned for pics). I'm bald, too. I'm not ashamed of that fact, but it certainly ain't helpin'. My skin isn't in the best shape and I'm pale.

I smoke. I drink. I stay out until the wee hours of the night. I eat fast food. I walk; I don't run. Don't own a bike. I sit on my ass all day in front of a computer. I watch sports on my ass, but God forbid I'd play. When I cook, the meal at hand usually involves lots of cream and butter. I had a salad a couple of weeks ago, but it was smothered with Litehouse Blue Cheese dressing - the fatty kind. I love (or loved, I guess) these things about my life.

So here we are. I'm 24 and woke up one day and realized that I'm a fat, bald slob. Now, I'm planning on changing some of the above, mainly the items contained in paragraph one. Unfortunately I might have to give up some of the glorious items in paragraph two to make this happen.

Now I'm not going to get all gay on you and document everything. In fact, I probably won't post everyday. You won't see any weights of my food or anything pussy like that. You will get the truth though. If I go out and drink a case of beer in a night and miss a week of running, you will know.

My only plan is to change, even if only a little bit. Day one will involve a run. Simple as that.

Stay tuned (and pray for me, my lord it's been a long time)!

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